Hungary, 1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33 +36.1.392.2642 +36.1.392.2282 1991–2025 Mirrotron Ltd.

Neutron Expertise

News: Mirrotron broadens its profile

Eszter Dian Ph.D joins Mirrotron Ltd
Mirrotron Ltd is pleased to announce the extension of its profile by a new group “Scientific Services” around Dr. Eszter Dian, who just joined the company as senior physicist. The first main areas of her work are:
  • to develop Mirrotron capabilities for performing neutronics simulation calculations for project collaborations and customers
  • to assume the role of lead scientist in the LvB compact neutron source project at Mirrotron’s premises at Martonvásár near Budapest (see more)
Strengthened by Eszter, Mirrotron is looking forward to further advancing its contributions to the neutron community.
Dr. Eszter Dian obtained her Medical Physics MSc at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, with a master thesis in the field of radiation protection in radiotherapy bunkers. After graduation she joined the Environmental Physics Laboratory at the HAS Centre for Energy Research (Budapest). She took part in various projects in neutron activation and neutron shielding within the SINE2020 Grant and In-Kind collaborations with the European Spallation Source (ESS) ERIC.
She performed her doctoral research within an In-Kind collaboration between the ESS Detector Group and the Centre for Energy Research, where she performed Monte Carlo modelling (MCNP, Geant4) for the optimization of solid boron carbide converter based gaseous neutron detectors. She obtained her PhD degree at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2019 with the thesis on “Optimisation of Signal-to-Background Ratio for Thermal Neutron Detectors”.
She was postdoc at the ESS Detector Group, where took part in the development of the Multi Blade detector and VMM based detector readout electronics.

Energy resolved neutron beam imaging

  • quality assessment of neutron optical elements
  • neutron guides, plugs, shutters (average reflectivity, alignment accuracy)
  • velocity selectors (selectivity, transmission)
  • focusing elements
  • monochromators
  • verification of numerical simulation results for upstream components
  • input data for downstream optical element and instrument optimization

Simulation of neutron guides

  • Optimization of neutron guide geometry
  • Shielding calculation
  • horizontal, vertical profiles, divergent profile flux
  • neutron spectra at different positions along the guide cross section
  • effective temperatures at different positions
  • calculation for various guide elements, surfaces, imperfections