Hungary, 1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33 +36.1.392.2642 +36.1.392.2282 1991–2025 Mirrotron Ltd.
Neutron Detectors
Position Sensitive 2D Detectors
- for regular in-situ NG diagnostic
- cross-section neutron intensity distribution (TOF application-the diagnostic is wavelength dependent)
- Custom designed based on active area and spatial resolution requirements
- Position encoding technique: delay line
- Anode and cathode wires: Gold-Tungsten
- Filling gas: Helium-3 and CF4
- Dynamic range: single neutron detection
- 5 preamplifiers built in
- Commercial CFD and TDC can be connected or vendor-supplied
- XY projection, integration; open interfaces for easy integration to existing software
Test "Black" Detector
- for efficiency test
- flux measurement (TOF application-the diagnostic is wavelength dependent)
- advantage to tube: high count-rate capability, planar arrangement: constant active gas depth
- Model No. MWBD-30
PSD Data Acquisition Unit
- Model No. LisTDC-312
- With ACAM chip/a (serial/parallel)
- With ACAM chip/b (Time Stamp)
- Only FPGA (Isherd)
- Measurement of a number of parallel events
- Data gathering
- Series of filters
- Filtering: e.g. by wavelength intervals
- Histogram generation
- Events are recorded in lists
- Lists are processed into histograms
- Lists remain available for revisiting
- Common 2D Event List
- Spectral 2D Event List
- 2D information (X & Y) extracted from Stop signals
Beam Monitors
- Custom designed and optimized to beam size
- Total thickness: ~ 20 - 22 mm
- Window thickness: 0.5 mm
- Anode wires: Gold-Tungsten
- Filling gas: Nitrogen or Helium-3, Helium-4 and CF4
- Optionally, built-in SHV BNC
- Calibrated and certified by neutrons
- Re-charge/re-calibration option
- Visualization counter software with open interfaces for easy integration to existing software
- BME - Beam Monitor Electronics - AMP / SCA / HV
Position Sensitive Neutron Beam Monitor
- Overall dimensions: 270 x 190 x 45 mm3
- Active area: 200 x 65 mm2
- Window thickness: 0.5 mm - 2 mm (on gas pressure)
- Gas filling: 3He at ultra low pressure or N2 +CF4+ 4He
- Position resolution: 1.8 x 1.8 mm2 (FWHM)
- Gas connector: Swagelok QC series
- Detection efficiency: 10-5 to 10-3 ( 0.025eV/1.8Å).
Integrated Monitor Control Unit
- Model No. LisMon-331
- Standard functionality Monitor (Inhibit)
- List Mode Monitor (Start/Stop)
- Advanced List Mode (Monitor Count in List)