Hungary, 1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33 +36.1.392.2642 +36.1.392.2282 1991–2025 Mirrotron Ltd.
Complete instrumentation
Neutron Guide System
Small Angle Neutron Scattering Spectrometer SANS
- Pre- and post-selector neutron guide with housing, support, vacuum system
- Velocity selector with power supply, driving and safety
- Neutron beam monitor with electronics
- Collimator system with diaphragms, multi beam option, movable neutron guide elements, moving mechanism in evacuated telescopic tube, vacuum system
- Sample table with variable sample environment (linear sample changer, goniometer, sample thermostat cooler-heater, He cryostat, sample electromagnet with power supply)
- Movable XY-multidetector with signal processing electronics
- Evacuated detector vessel with displacement mechanism, vacuum system, beam-stop mechanism
- Secondary shutter and radiation shielding
- Electronic control, driving and data acquisition system, computer configuration and software package specification
- Wavelength range: 0.25 - 2.00 nm
- Momentum (q) transfer range: 0.01 - 5.0 nm-1
Time-of-Flight Polarisation Neutron Reflectometer TOF-R
Wavelength range: 0.25 - 1.25 nm
Momentum (q) transfer range: 0.05 - 3.0 nm-1
Momentum (q) transfer range: 0.05 - 3.0 nm-1
- Secondary Beam Shutter with neutron guide
- Tapered neutron guides QC = 3
- Neutron beam monitor with electronics
- Pre - and post Chopper Slit System
- Variable resolution disk chopper system with radiation shielding
- Supermirror analyser/polariser with RF flipper
- Pre- and Post Sample Slit System
- Sample table with variable sample environment, including:
- goniometer
- removable sample electromagnet up to 1.2 T
- electromagnet power supply
- sample changer for polarized / non - polarized samples
- Detector vacuum vessel with positioning rail system
- 2D position sensitive detector
- Beam stop
- Vacuum system
- Electronic control, driving and data acquisition system
Residual Stress Neutron Diffractometer RSND
- Double focusing Si(311) bent perfect crystals monochromator with goniometric stage and rotating shielding
- Take off angle range: 50°-120°
- Gauge volume from 0.5x0.5x0.5 mm3 to 5x5x20 mm3
- Secondary Beam Shutter
- Neutron Beam Monitor with electronics
- Slit system in the incident and diffracted beam
- Oscillating radial collimator
- Sample stage load up to 500 kg; XY-range: 300 mm ±0.05 mm; Z-range: 500 mm ±0.1 mm; whole 360° turn around Z; tilt angle along X axis: ±30° for 30 kg
- 2D position sensitive detector with stage
- Optic adjustment system
- Air cushion movement system
- Electronic control, driving and data acquisition system
- Vacuum system
Cold Neutron Triple Axis Spectrometer - CNTAS
- Vertically focusing HOPG monochromator with goniometric stage and shileding
- Diaphragm and Shutter (adjustable double slit system)
- Neutron Beam Monitor with electronics
- Soller Collimators with adjusting system and shielding
- Sample stage:
- Load up to 400 kg;
- XY-range: 100 mm ±0.1 mm (horizontal direction)
- Whole 360° turn around Z (vertical axis)
- Tilt angle along X axis: ±15°
- size d=500mm
- Beam stop
- Analyzer stage with shielding
- Ge111 and HOPG Analyzer units with goniometric stage
- 2D position sensitive detector with stage
- DAQ and QAE
- Operation and measurement software
Time of Flight Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument VSANS
- Neutron guide system installed on cold neutron guide @ BNC Budapest No 3B
- Monochromator: Chopper system, one counter-rotating pair of pulse definition chopper, one wavelength limiting and one frame overlap chopper.
- Detector: 2D position sensitive 200 x 200 mm2, filled with 3He gas, 256 x 256 pixels with 0.7 mm x 0.7 mm pixel size
- Collimation: 3.7 m
- Sample to detector distance: 4.3 m
- Incident wavelenght range: 0.3 - 0.74 Å
- Scattering vector range: 0.0003 ... 0.03 Å-1
- Scattering vector resolution: 0.00005 ... Å-1