Hungary, 1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33 +36.1.392.2642 +36.1.392.2282 1991–2025 Mirrotron Ltd.
Manufacturing facilities
Glass machining
- KITAMURA CNC 3-axis Workcenter
- ACCELER-1120 CNC 4-axis Workcenter
- DECKEL MAHO MH600 3-axis CNC Workcenter
- High accuracy glass edge machining (5µm)
- High precision curvature, elliptic shape capability
Glass polishing
- High-quality large flat surface polishing
- Large scale polishing machinery
- Heat-treatment furnace
- The angle between two surfaces within a cone of a semi-angle: α < 10-4 rad
- RMS and maximum peek value: α < 3*10-4
- Curvature Surface polishing option
- For Precision Optics, lens and prisms
Sputter Facility
- Three sputtering machines
- Two large area (1000 x 1000 mm 2 ) sputtering capability
- Smaller sputter's capability: 500 x 200 mm2
- Non-magnetic coatings
- Ni/Mo/Ti multilayers coating
- Polarising capability under development (Fe/Si)
Neutron guide assembly
- High-precision gluing
- Special tooling
Quality control
Mirrotron has first-class devices to ensure superb quality.
Read more about our quality control equipment.