Hungary, 1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33 +36.1.392.2642 +36.1.392.2282 1991–2025 Mirrotron Ltd.
Neutron Polarizer System
Polarizer Guide
- FeSiNx polarising supermirror
- Float glass substrate
- Wafer/Si lamella
- Polarized Cavity System
- Frame-overlap mirror
- S - bender
Guide Field Magnet System
- Analyser / Polariser units
- S - bender
- RF Spin Flipper
- Magnet System for Samples
- Wavelength proportional to mirror tilt angle and beam divergence
- m = 0.7 for spin-down component
- m = 3.6 for spin-up component
- Integrated magnetic frame
- Polarizing supermirror saturation: 40-100 mT
- Gradient magnetic field for adiabatic (Drabkin) flipper
- Closed magnetic circuit with low sensitivity to environmental magnetic influences
- Wavelength range can be extended by Mezei cavity system
RF Current Source
- Purpose designed current source
- Current range: 0-22 App (load-independent)
- Frequency range: 170-500 kHz (extendable)
- Limit voltage: 110 Vpp
- Command output for balancing capacitor pad switching
- RS485/RS232 remote control
- Overvoltage and overheating protection