Hungary, 1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33 +36.1.392.2642 +36.1.392.2282 1991–2025 Mirrotron Ltd.
Beam Shaping Devices
Diaphragm Changer
- Positioning accuracy within ±5 µm
- 10B / B4C / Al / Cd or sandwich absorbing plate
- Absorption neutronically tested and certified
- Variable size, variable apertures, custom designed
- Designed for air / vacuum / non-magnetic environment
- Remote controlled
- Easy integration to existing systems
Double Slit Collimation System
- Accuracy within ±10 µm
- 10B / B4C / Al / Cd or sandwich absorbing blades
- Absorption neutronically tested and certified
- Variable size / Custom design
- Designed for air / vacuum / non-magnetic environment
- Remote controlled
- Easy integration to existing systems
Slit With Laser Targeting
- Used for sample and / or detector alignment
- Slit with remotely adjustable aperture. X,Y: 0.1-30 mm (customizable)
- Compact, high-resolution industrial camera (5.0 MP)
- Replaceable optics with adjustable focus
- Red Laser Cross Line Module
Collimation Guide
- Supermirror and absorbing inner surfaces option
- Multi - Beam Collimation guide
- Variable size, custom designed
- B4C/Gd absorbing inner surfaces
- Designed for air / vacuum environment
- Absorption neutronically tested and certified
Multi-Positioning Collimation System
- Accuracy within ±10 µm
- Four axis (X, Y, Z, tilting) positioning
- 10B / B4C / Al / Cd or sandwich absorbing blades
- Absorption neutronically tested
- Operation under vacuum or in atmospheric pressure
- Variable size and apertures
- Remote controlled
Collimator production
- Soller Collimators and Radial Collimators
- Radial Oscillating Collimators with mechanism
- Optimalization of absorbing element
- Gd2O3 coated PET or textile glass
- Collimator blades transmission are neutronically tested
- Small angle scattering is reduced, certified
- Controlled blade coating thickness: 10 – 100 micron
- Both side of blade could be coated