Hungary, 1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33 +36.1.392.2642 +36.1.392.2282 1991–2025 Mirrotron Ltd.
Neutron Beam Shaping Devices total of 125 units
Supermirror neutron guides total of 1660 meters (1,66 km)
- Supermirror coating up to m=5.5
- 945 meters of guides supplied in vacuum housing,
- 261 meters are made to superpolished substrates,
- 84 meters of In-pile & Shutter guides,
- 36 meters of Bender / Cavity guides,
- 672 meters of glass-sandwich neutron guides,
- 236 meters of metal-glass sandwich neutron guides,
- 373 meters of tapered & elliptic neutron guides,
Neutron Polarizers total of 20 equipment
- 4 complete Polarizer-Analyzer system
- 13 transmission polarizer-analyzer guide
- 11 pcs RF Spin Flipper
- 14 pcs RF Current / Power Supply
- 3 pcs S-Bender
Neutron Disc Choppers 250Hz total of 50 set
Speed up to 250Hz
- 56 Chopper Disc unit
- 44 pcs Single Disc Chopper
- 6pcs Double Disc Chopper
- 11pcs Servo Drive System
- 39pcs Magnetic Bearing Levitated
Neutron Fermi Chopper: 12 units
Speed up to 600Hz
- 8pcs complete system
- 4pcs Replacement rotor
- 9 pcs Single Slit Package
- 3 pcs Double Slit Package
Neutron Velocity Selector: 32 units
- 29 pcs Multi-Disk model – 125Hz
- 3 pcs Multi-Blade model – 200Hz
Neutron Detection & Monitoring Devices total of 42 units
Filled inside ~ 720 liter 3-Helium
- 23 pcs 2D Position Sensitive Detector
- 11 pcs MK-200 2D PSD
- 2 pcs MK-300 2D PSD
- 7 pcs Large Area 2D PSD
- 3 pcs PS 2D Beam Monitor
- 16 pcs Beam Monitor
- 20 pcs Beam Monitor Electronic unit
- 3 pcs Test “Black” Detector