Hungary, 1121 Budapest, Konkoly-Thege Miklós út 29-33 +36.1.392.2642 +36.1.392.2282 1991–2025 Mirrotron Ltd.
Metal-glass sandwich guide (patented)
Special guide assembly technique developed for the requirements of Spallation sources for all types of straight/curved/tapered guides.The construction provides perfect protection against the fast, epithermal and parasite neutrons.
- Patended design, principle and procedure
- Installed as free-standing guide construction or
inside vacuum housing - Minimalized outer dimensions structure
- The free-standing guide construction is equivalent to
vacuum housing - Metal or elastomer vacuum sealing between the steel plates
- The steel plates eliminates the fast/streaming neutrons and additional gamma shielding
- Minimized of 0.3 mm gap between glass and steel frame
- Borated neutron shielding (MirroBor) could be installed between the glass and steel plates increasing the neutron absorption
- Additional gamma shielding installation around the structure is easy and safe
- The installation and replacement procedure is easy and fast